Symposium on Stem Cell Research and Prospects

Symposium on Stem Cell Research and Prospects



On November 28th, 2005, the US-Polish Trade Council held a prestigious gathering at Stanford University of some of the world’s leading researchers and practitioners in the field of stem cell research. Moderated by Stanford University Associate Dean and Professor, Channing Robertson, the panelists discussed current research, ethics, commercial application and opportunities to collaborate within the biotechnology industry. Polish Senator Jerzy Szymura was on hand to share some insight on the Polish government’s stance on stem cell research and application. The event attracted a large group of professionals from Bay Area commercial, academic and government biotechnology organizations.

The US-Polish Trade Council wishes to thank all who made this event such a success!

Dr. Irving Weissman,Stanford Univ. Virginia & D.K. Ludwig Professor for Clinical Investigation in Cancer Research
Dr. Gregorz Breborowicz,President, Academyof Medicine, Poznan,Poland
Dr. Jane S. Lebkowski , Geron Corp. Senior Vice President of Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Maria Michejda,GeorgetownUniv.InternationalCenterfor Interdisciplinary Studies of Immunology
Dr. Mariusz Ratajczak,Univ.of Louisville, J.G.BrownCancerCenter, Dir. of Stem Cell Biology Program

Special Guest:
Polish Senator, Jerzy Szymura. Senate of the Republic of Poland

Dr. Channing Robertson Stanford Univ. Ruth G. and William K. Bowes Professor and Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs in the School of Engineering.

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