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On behalf of the USPTC team, we cordially invite you to participate in Polish-American Science and Technology Symposium that will take place on June 28, 2017, at Stanford University. This year's Symposium will center around the development and adaptation 
of breakthrough electromobility technologies and trends in Polish and American markets. It will present distinguished experts from the U.S. and Polish universities, government, and industry.

Symposium topics:

·      Autonomous cars and cybernetics

·      Public and private sector in national endeavor

·      Energy systems in the era of electromobility

·      Car share, leasing and private ownership

·      Sensors, batteries, data and decisions 

Symposium Keynote Speakers:

·      Dr. Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Prime Minister of Poland, Minister of Economy and of Finance: ”The Vision for Poland of electromobility focused science and industry as an element of innovation based economy

·      Prof. Robert I. Sutton, Department of Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University, Co-director Designing Organizational Change Project, Co-author Scaling Up Excellence: ”Scaling up innovation

·      Dr. Marcin Krupa, President of City of Katowice: “Regional program of excellence based on science, technology, and manufacturing in electromobilty

Detailed Agenda and Speakers: here

Register:  here

Venue:  Koret – Taube Conference Center, 366 Galvez Street, Stanford University

We hope you will join us on June 28!


The USPTC Team

Honorary Patronage and Sponsors


US-Polish Trade Council
2479 East Bayshore Rd, Suite 205,
Palo Alto, CA 94303