Clay Bullwinkel, the USPTC Board Director, remarks on the expression “intrapreneur”
The expression ”intrapreneur” has been around for about 20 years. But a lot of people, especially overseas, don’t know it. I very much encourage teaching intrapreneuring as an alternative to entrepreneuring, and including intrapreneuring in USPTC’s Innnovation Hub. In many cases becoming an intrapreneur makes more sense than becoming an entrepreneur, especially when one does not yet have deep experience and relationships in the target market, and when there is openness and good resources in a larger company. I know this is not what venture capitalists want to hear. But in fact it serves to make better start-ups, because an intrapreneur who then turns to being an entrepreneur will often be better qualified than someone with no big company experience (with rare and albeit sometimes spectacular exceptions – Zuckerberg, Jobs, Gates, Dell). Read more: Move over entrepreneurs here come the intrapreneur.