Dr. Piotr Moncarz nominated to NCBiR
The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) is a government funded agency. It was established in July 2007 to implement priority tasks in the field of Polish scientific and innovative policy and is a unique state agency to perform public tasks in that area.
NCBiR shall fulfill its mission mainly by funding and managing strategic scientific research and experimental development programs. The Centre is responsible for specifying necessary research tasks, choosing organizations (companies, research institutes, universities) to perform these tasks, supervising their implementation and introduction of the results into practical application. The key assumption is the outcome of strategic programs new technologies or products – shall be implemented and used in economy, health service, administration or other areas crucial for Polish society.
Encouraging collaboration between researchers and business community is another priority. On one hand, NCBiR intends to increase scientists’ level of engagement in industryrelated research. On the other, the Centre is to encourage entrepreneurs to develop more R&D intensive activity.
The National Centre for Research and Development is managed by the Director supported by the Board, which has the advisory role. The Board serves four – and the Director five year term. The current Director is Prof. Bogusław Ludwik Smólski, member of the Board of Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland and the former rector of Military University of Technology