Leadership in science and technology market
🇱🇷10:15 AM – 12:15 PM (PST) /🇵🇱19:15 – 21:15 (PL) Leadership in science and technology market
Moderator: Arkadiusz Mężyk (Rector, Silesian University of Technology; President, CRASP)
The panelists will discuss the competencies of the graduates expected by companies and scientific institutions
in terms of the impact of the pandemic on their development. We will consider whether Polish universities
prepare future leaders for the science and technology market well enough. To what extent, if any, are the
US models of education and technology transfer acceptable in Poland. It is extremely important for Poland
to determine how to effectively use the potential of Polish engineers abroad to build the international
position of Polish universities and improve the education system, as well as to develop the innovativeness
of Polish companies. How should leaders in science and business be educated and what qualities a scientific
leader should have to conduct world-class research. The importance of leadership and university education
in achieving success in science and technology is essential. Finally, the panelists will discuss an effective
strategy for the university to become a leader in the science and technology market. Is it a question
of individual leadership and the development of islands of excellence, or is it sustainable development
in many areas?