The presidential decree of citizenship of Poland for Caroline Krawiec Brownstone

The presidential decree of citizenship of Poland for Caroline Krawiec Brownstone

Caroline photo 1

On November 6th, 2010, Ms. Caroline Krawiec Brownstone, the Director of USPTC, was honored by the President of the Republic of Poland with the grant of citizenship of Poland.

Inside beautiful red leather encased document on an excellent paper stock with appropriate red and white ribbons and the crowned Polish eagle was printed the following text:


O Nadaniu Obywatelstwa Polskiego

Kancelaria Prezydenta Rzeczyposolitej Polskiej zaświadcza, że


nadał obywatelstwo polskie


córce Dominicka i Isabel

Ms. Krawiec Brownstone recounted this moment: “After the ceremony and presentation, the Consul General had carefully orchestrated the well-timed service staff walking into our dining room with glasses of champagne. This photo above is of the immediate joyous, raucous response of my USPTC colleagues, the University Rectors from Poland, and the representatives of the Consulate General, all singing “Sto Lat”. All the planning by the Polish Government was carefully organized to be a big surprise for everyone in the room. I thank Marek Zywno for his skilled photographs of this memorable event in my life.”


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